Hybrid Provisional (PMMA)

Full Arch Fixed Prosthesis

Our PMMA Hybrid provisional is a safe and attractive choice for loading a full-arch patient right away. In the oral cavity, this incredibly aesthetic material vanishes. Before production, each case is inspected by a CDT with experience in complete arch repair. Each case is custom-made for each patient and milled using 5-axis industrial machinery.


We precisely give complete attention to detail while developing the PMMA Hybrid.

  • Digital Formulation: We know how and why digital creations are vital as they help you design the PMMA hybrid in a precise manner. 

  • Hygiene at its best: We have designed the PMMA Hybrid with all good laboratory practices. We make it possible to make milled restoration in a more hygienic way compared to denture conversion.

  • Reasonable Layering: We have developed the PMMA Hybrid with many layers and improved aesthetics with high patient satisfaction.

  • Modern Interface: We have made the interfaces from ASC, i.e., Angulated Screw Channel, which can improve aesthetically compromised screw holes.

  • Warranty Time: We give a 6 MONTH warranty, but the denture conversions are not warranted, thus giving you assurance about the services.

Why Should You Go For PMMA Hybrid?

The PMMA Hybrid is a kind of denture that is more functional than typical dentures. It is more comfortable than regular dentures providing relaxation to your teeth. Any patient who chooses these restorations has a greater sense of security. It also encourages more robust bone development and is known as one of the most appealing alternatives.


Full Arch Fixed Prosthesis

Full Arch Fixed Prosthesis

Hybrid Provisional (PMMA)

Titanium Integrated Zirconia Hybrid
Titanium Integrated Zirconia Hybrid

Full Arch Fixed Prosthesis

Zirconia hybrid with integrated titanium bar

Full Arch Fixed Prosthesis

Direct To Multi Unit Zirconia Hybrid